Projects in action: Intercult
Forgotten Orchestra - reflections from my visit to Ostend by Iwona Preis
The Ostend City Library has always been working with barrier breaking initiatives, like introducing courses in digital literacy, working with elderly population and migrants as target groups. For the library to be seen as a big tent with a warm heart has always been a vision for Martine Vandermaes, the chef librarian and entrepreneur. “It is all about inclusivity”, she repeats as her professional mantra
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Female leadership- Intercult changemaking methodology step 1
During the spring 2019 Intercult has been searching for an interesting methodology to use for changing our own actions as well as to inspire others to join us on our way.
In November 2019 we summarized our findings from researching several organizations, which work with and in local communities. All of them were led by female leaders. Here is our presentation with examples and reflections in the first phase of the project presented in Vienna 2019.
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During 2019 Intercult has been searching for an interesting methodology to use for changing our own actions as well as to inspire others to join us on our way.
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