On the 16th of June, Intercult had the pleasure of hosting a digital social innovation lab together with our changemaker Livet Bitch! (which translates as Life Bitch!). The theme was: theatre as a space for feminist issues.
The participants in the lab where from all over Sweden’s cultural field - decision makers, freelance artists, theatre producers, students and many more. We were so happy to see such a big variety of people!
The more stories and experiences - the more we learn!
Thinking back on June’s social lab, we feel a lot of gratitude. Gratitude towards the participants who shared their stories and were willing to learn together with us. And gratitude towards Livet Bitch! who were willing to share their method and work on the lab together with us. It was the first time either of us facilitated a digital lab, and we learned a lot. You can watch our video for more thoughts on this!
Reflection also begs the question: what kind of stories do we share and partake in? Who gets to be seen and heard and listened to? This is one of the many reasons Livet Bitch!'s work is so important: they tell stories which are otherwise at risk of being overlooked. Because of these stories, an entire community has risen: a community of girls and young women have bonded and grown through sharing their stories. A new dialogue and conversation has sprung forth in the town of Södertälje because of this, where learning and listening and sharing experiences is at its center.
Beautiful things happen when we allow change and progress to take place in our communities and our hearts. When we allow more diverse stories into our lives. When we are willing to improve.
If you would like to read more about the Stockholm social lab (E5), click here!
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