
Time Strollers - an artistic community building event

In Stockholm, five artists were researching the post industrial cultural heritage on waterfronts between Norra Hammarby, Tegelvikshamnen and Stadsgården which are undergoing a transformation process.

By doing silent walks, raising questions and traveling back in history, they explored these areas from an artistic point of view developing individual creative projects. The results were presented on the 25 October at the event TIDSFLANÖRERNA (Time Strollers) on multiple nearby sites of the Fåfängan area and included walking acts, sound, photography and film.


In Stockholm we have investigated, explored and carried out an art project with and for audiences who have participated and opened their eyes and investigated with us on site at Fåfängan and Tegelviken. By the water / harbor in an old brickworks area, tar hoof and boatyard – now an industrial area with the traveling memory of something and the house that carries a history from the 18th century and the park at Fåfängan. 4 projects have been carried out based on the hike as a method and which reflects thoughts and by clarifying the history and transformation of places. This has become a Corona project and we are happy to have been able to implement this with collective post-industrial eyes in Walks and with various works of art and performances that interacted with the place and with the audience. 


Connecting with people - our community, family, friends, strangers - can feel especially difficult now as we have to be distanced and separated from one another. Many of our projects have changed due to the pandemic, but we were very fortunate and happy to be able to have the Time Strollers event back in October 2020. 



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