
Summarising experiences and learning processes of Intercult in Stockholm August 2019

In August 2019, Intercult organised a meeting in Stockholm to summarise our learning, teaching and training activities within the framework of I_Improve. The aim with our meeting was to gather input from each other, discuss our learning activities and plan for future activities within the project.

We at Intercult set up a meeting in Stockholm to summarise our learning, teaching and training activities within the framework of I_Improve. The meeting took place at our offices in Stockholm on August 18th to August August 22nd 2019. The aim with our meeting was to gather input from each other, discuss our learning activities and plan for future activities within the project. All partners had previously attended bilateral meetings during 2019.

One of our main aims of the project is to work with informal learning. We have discovered challenges with working with informal learning, and accepting that all of us are different and have various possibilities to extract learning from an everyday experience. Our differences have also shown possibilities for how different individuals on our staff have had the possibility to extract different types of knowledge from our bilateral meetings and activities.

The challenges of working in small cultural organisations is that many of us are project based and without a consistent financial income. With an uncertain cash- and project flow, it’s impossible to promise stable, long term employment. One result of this is that the flow of staff can be as transformative as the organisations projects. This can be a challenge when working with informal learning experiences, which are often directed towards the individual. We are therefore exploring how an informal learning experience can show value both short term and long term in the project.

When we looked at our work and choice of changemaker, we found a common ground: community building. We found ourselves thinking about the impact Intercult, as an organisation working on a European and international level, can have on the society and environment surrounding us. How can interlocal culture organisations working with international collaboration, build communities engaged in society and reclaim spaces? 

Our chosen changemaker Livet Bitch! represents change, innovation and community. These factors provide a common foundation for all partners to develop, and they provide learning activities for our audiences. By testing and enabling our changemaker's practice with other cultural organisations we will be able to provide new working methods for the European cultural sector.


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Gallery: Intercult Sweden