The meeting took place on 12 July in the BSCC’s garden as a non-formal discussion with cultural activists. They represented various departments in their institution such as International, Regional, Economic, Administration as well as Marketing and PR. Also present was the Deputy Director of the BSCC, Ms Renata Malcer-Dymarska.
Magdalena Zakrzewska-Duda on behalf of the River//City Foundation Platform gave a short presentation on the methodology entitled “Good Story” and distributed the educational materials to the participants.
The Story Walk event (part one of E11) and format were also discussed. Magdalena emphasised the aspect of story listening and collecting in this format which requires engagement of the activity participants. BSCC staff members shared their experience of using storytelling in cultural projects.
One of them was “Game of Gdansk” using for its narrative part stories collected in Dolne Miasto neighbourhood.
Another interesting example is the project entitled “Czytanie Pomorza – Smacznie Napisane” (Reading Pomerania in a Tasty Style) an original guidebook based on collecting various local recepies and stories connected to them.
A special guest of the Gdansk event was Iwona Preis, CEO of Intercult, Stockholm, the leader of I_Improve EU project.
Attached PDF document (in Polish) is outlining Story Work adapted by River//Cities presentation/methodology, based on materials developed by:
To read more about R//C project within I_Improve EU and our methodology follow the Link
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