UrbCulturalPlanning project is a BSR'stool for creating collaboration and innovation among citizens, citizens and authorities, on inclusive, sustainable development of city public space.
Social inclusion is an increasing challenge for the Baltic Sea region. A better use of public space in cities is a possible solution to closer connect the people.
BSR Cultural Planning aims to adopt cultural planning as a method to stimulate interactions between varied groups of citizens. The project intends to bring together departments in municipalities
responsible for cultural and urban departments as well as experts in cultural planning, and work together on better use of public spaces.
Project started on the first week of February 2019 in Riga, with all theProject Partnerspresent and being welcomed by the Leading Partner - Danish Cultural Institute.
Urb Cultural Planning Project is co- funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region and runs from January 2019 till June 2021.
Project Partners: 14 Partner Organizations and 36 Associated Organizations in 7 countries - Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, Germany and Russia.
During the next two years, project partners will produce approximately 10 hands-on BSR demonstrator projects in neighbourhoods in cities or in towns in rural areas of up to 20,000 inhabitants - in 7 of partnering countries.
The BSR demonstrator projects will address challenges such as shrinking cities, social inclusion, gentrification, use of green or blue resources, lack of community life, stigmatization, conflicts etc.
On March 25 - 27 the first Urban Labwas organized in Gdansk to prepare local project leaders to work with the cultural planning methods.
''The workshop program included the presentation of Local Areas in Gdańsk by Agnieszka Rózga-Micewicz and Anna Fikus-Wójcik from the Gdańsk Development Bureau (Poland) as well as
Warsaw Square research project presentation by Aleksandra Litorowicz from the Bęc Zmiana Foundation (Poland). Kasparas Lielgalvis brought in the Free Riga (Latvia) ideas and Liene Jurgelane
informed about the Kometa Festival (Latvia) initiative. Introduction to the cultural planning method was done by Lia Ghilardi with Noema Culture and Place Mapping (UK). Participants heard about
Medialab Katowice experiment in visualizing the local history using data and mapping the neighborhood from an artistic perspective in a presentation by Grete Aagaard and Aleksandra
Księżopolska from the Łaźnia Contemporary Art Centre (Poland)''.
Baltic Sea Cultural Center form Gdańsk (River//Cities member) is partner in this project.
You can follow the Project on the: Urb Cultural Planning FB page
Read more about the Project on:
Danich Cultural Institute site and Interreg Baltic Sea Region site.
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