The Wiener Bildungsakademie is a social democratic educational institutions that are committed to the fundamental values of freedom, equality, justice and solidarity, with a strong focus on European values and international cooperation. Offering a versatile educational programme, we want to strengthen the democratic structures in Vienna by bringing together and supporting adults who are interested in either participating in – or learning more about – local politics and culture, how to engage in their community in various ways, and/or the workings of the political system at large.
Our programme contains courses on political expertise, organizational and communicational competences and other skills relevant for community organizing, designing and managing cultural events, civil activism or political work. Apart from that, we offer courses aimed at generating knowledge on topics as diverse as local, national and international political processes; human, minority and environmental rights; women’s rights; media and culture; city planning; and many others. These courses are taught by experts, artists, and/or experienced politicians, providing participants with the opportunity of getting to know political and cultural decision-makers up close.
Our program is geared towards both politicians and people living in Vienna at large. It consists of target-group oriented, interactive courses, seminars and lectures for adults of all ages, genders and backgrounds.