
Spreading the experience in collecting waterfront stories: Ukraine

On September 24, 2020, Laimikis had a chance to present its experience in applying the storytelling approach to preserving and sustainable use of the heritage sites. Jekaterina Lavrinec took part as a lecturer at the forum "Cultural Heritage.

On September 24, 2020, Laimikis had a chance to present its experience in applying the storytelling approach to preserving and sustainable use of the heritage sites. Jekaterina Lavrinec took part as a lecturer at the forum "Cultural Heritage. Preservation and Promotion at the United Territorial Communities (UTC)" arranged by the Regional Methodical Center of Culture and Art in Ukraine in cooperation with the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and Cultural Heritage Organization. One of the lectures presented was "Creative Communication of Cultural Heritage: City Games."

Among the examples of the urban games, Jekaterina has presented the development of the ideas game "Upė - stories flow," based on the stories about the river and riverside. Although the game itself was developed based on the stories shared by people from the Kaunas region's communities and focused on the Nemunas River, it can be used in various cultural contexts. She has also overviewed the forms of collecting the local stories and turning them into a tool for revitalizing the heritage sites. Attractive forms of communicating the cultural heritage values are crucial for the preservation and responsible use of the cultural heritage sites. 



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