
Resultsharing with policymakers

On november 26th 2020 the Ostend Library organised their E8 activity for decision makers.

Due to corona, we set up a zoom meeting, inviting city aldermen, heads and colleagues of other departments (socio-cultural and health care). The CEO of the city staff also joined the meeting.

First our Head of the Leisure Department Martine Meire explained the expectations of the City of Ostend on workplace learning.

Hilde De Brandt, our changemaker, reflected on the project of “The Forgotten Orchestra”. She also explained the strategy and communication plan that we developed and reflected on some other examples of workplace learning that we started after “The Forgotten Orchestra”.

Our colleagues Jasmijn, Hans and Isabelle reflected in their own personal way on “The Forgotten Orchestra” and the process of workplace learning.

At last Sven Raeymaekers, head of the Ostend Library, reflected on our new examples of workplace learning “e-books platform” and “dashboard”. He summarised very shortly some recommendations for decisions makers and colleagues:

> Set up a limited experiment

> Use an external partner (changemaker)

> Give space to work out qualitative

> Learn when there is a need

> Grasp chances when changes occur  

You can watch a video of our meeting with policymakers on our youtube channel: 

I improve shared learnings presentatie 26.11.20 - YouTube

I improve shared learnings presentatie 26.11.20