
Reflection and evolution on corona challenge 2:exploring and improving digital meeting skills

Learnings and confirmations

The projectteam for this “corona challenge” exists of two young colleagues who are complementary to each other. They both belong to the younger generation of the library staff, and are familiar with new digital tools. They are very empathic, excellent teachers to engage the whole staff to enter a new digital world. Both Jasmijn and Jannicke are aware that colleagues have very different digital backgrounds, and are not always eager to use new digital tools. But Jasmijn and Jannicke organise try-outs, one-on-one-sessions, exercise moments, and they let their colleagues grow in their digital competences, along with the project.

Jasmijn and Jannicke set up a strict deadline: within a week, they want to be operational. And they succeed to get everyone on board for an online meeting! But the project does not end. They keep  posting good directives for an efficient digital communication, and gather and share information and instructions for an efficient digital meeting culture.

During a reflection interview Jasmijn and Jannicke appoint the strengths and weaknessess of the project, realising that both the benefits and the obstacles are learning opportunities. They both see potential for a further roll-out of digital projects.


  • It is a challenge to pass on your own skills
  • The learning process goes slower than you think
  • Don’t  aim too high
  • Be aware of the gap that you need to close
  • Always be empathic
  • Develop public digital activities
  • Help each other to discover your talents
  • Be aware of the digital gap

Confirmation of:

  • Empathic ability
  • Ditigal becomes comprehensible/accessible
  • Return to previous way of working is not possible nor desirable
  • Will to learn is strong
  • Systematic reflection is good/necessary