A worthy sequel to “The Forgotten Orchestra”
Today the Library of Ostend launched the new project “Drijfgoud” or “Drift gold”. “Drijfgoud” is a new participatory project that encourages people to send in stories, artworks, or creations dealing with “loneliness”.
In this corona era, more and more people suffer from feelings of loneliness and social isolation. What does loneliness mean to you and your surroundings? What feelings come to the surface when loneliness hits you?
With “Drijfgoud” of “Drift gold” the Library of Ostend expands the digital storytelling platform with stories, creations and podcasts. Since the Library cannot meet her audience in real life, this project gave us new opportunities to grow and expand our digital skills to interact with our audience. The Library collects the contributions of the participants on a digital platform, sets up podcasts of stories and poems about loneliness and offers a participatory platform.
Where the I Improve project of “The Forgotten Orchestra” completed our digital storytelling platform with stories of people suffering from dementia, “Drijfgoud” or “Drift Gold” is a worthy sequel dealing with another relevant and topical theme.
picture: painting "Under the waves" by Yves Velter