
Corona challenge 1: keep our team connected through new digital tools

During the past months our professional and personal lives have been turned upside down due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our library is a vivid place where all kinds of people meet, search for books, read magazines and newspapers, search for information in the internet, use our 'silent reading room' to study... And suddenly we had to close doors, and there was only silence.

Almost immediately after the government decided to close the library doors, our library team started to brainstorm: how can we stay in contact with our public, taking into account the prescriptions of social distancing? Which alternative services can we create? In no time our take away service was born and a new team spirit arised. To work out our take away service we had to rely on our digital skills, since we had to limit physical contact and meetings were restricted. Some colleagues felt like a fish in the water, but other colleagues faced digital obstacles and were rather anxious. But the group feeling and team spirit made us move in the same direction and expand our digital skills. For the take away service we set up a digital platform, accessible for every colleague. Every day we faced new challenges and created new ideas to make our take away service more efficient.

Today our library is open for public, and we ended our take away service, but the group feeling remains, and our new digital skills allow us to work more efficient in the future.

Read more about our learning journey during our 'corona challenge' on our blog.

Our changemaker Hilde De Brandt oberved and shared her thoughts.