After the Laimikis team has collected the stories about the river and the riverfront, we were searching for the form suitable to turn stories into the game. The form of a visual game is universal and can be used in various cultural contexts.
After the Laimikis team has collected the stories about the river and the riverfront, we were searching for the form suitable to turn stories into the game. The form of a visual game is universal and can be used in various cultural contexts. We needed a form that would fuel the collective sharing of the insights and ideas about what people can create together by the riverfront. The domino format appeared to be quite suitable for that. It also brings new ways of using illustration cards - creating a scenario for revitalizing the riverfront and creating an imaginary landscape.
We have approached Inesa Jarkova, a young illustrator and our changemaker, to visualize the stories. And little by little, the stories have turned into visual narratives, which now can be used as a tool for generating ideas for the riverfront. Inesa has created the cards in a way that they could prolong each other. We seek to test them with wider audiences!
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