
Benchmarking - Colours of Love Wildganshof - Feedback from participants Yu Yu and Sigi

On Saturday 4th July 2020 we started with the first part of our BENCHMARKING–COLOURSOF♥ project in the Wildganshof. We asked some participants about their impressions a few weeks apart:

Yu Yu
Student at the Academy of Fine Arts, Daniel Richter class

We see park benches everywhere.
The performance “Colors of love” aims to enhance common park benches
with ‚Color and Love‘.

On a fine afternoon I saw it happen that normal park benches turn into something completely different with color.

People painted the benches with their own emotions and imagination.
When the benches were painted, I saw not just painted park benches, but bridges that connect people:

Artists and residents of the Wildgans-Hof who will use these park benches in the future.

This art action really brought „Colors and Love“ to the Wildganshof.

Sigi Kuehn
Pensioner, political activist at SPÖ Favoriten, Ankerbrot

On a wonderful afternoon in July 2020, after a stressful „lock-down“ and the resulting isolation in the Corona year, it was a great pleasure to finally meet up with friends, comrades and new acquaintances from the Wildgans Hof in the 3rd district of Vienna personally face to face.

The artist Karl Kilian described the connection of color, feelings and sensations that the guests can and should transfer into the common painting of inconspicuous wooden benches.

It was so nice to watch how people with great joy and devotion transferred their feelings to the wooden benches with their favorite colors, in order to create very individual works of art from everyday products that will ultimately convey joy and pride for a long time – above all because such community actions will strengthen the cohesion of the residents of the Wildgans-Hof, and thus new friendships will probably develop – in the best sense of the title of the action „Colors of Love“.

Gallery: Wiener SPÖ-Bildung