
Benchmarking Colours of love - Wildganshof - Feedback from participants - Wolfgang and Stefan

On Saturday 4th July 2020 we started with the first part of our BENCHMARKING–COLOURSOF♥ project in the Wildganshof. We asked some participants about their impressions a few weeks apart:

Wolfgang Markytan, MA
Vienna Academy of Education

Vienna is the most liveable city in the world. That has to do with many areas, but also with the fact that we can offer such a great range of „art in public spaces“. It’s so important to me because art and culture have such a broad meaning. Ned only opera and high culture, but also hundreds of small cultural initiatives in the various areas! And of course the “BenchMarking” program is the right example. Together with the local population, Bernd Herger and his team manage to develop a sense of community that contributes to making the living environment more beautiful and also being better protected against any contamination or even vandalism!



Stefan Kastel
Advertising consultant, Wiener Bezirkszeitung

For me, art means diversity and the opportunity for each individual to develop. Art offers a space to try out and experiment without being evaluated from the outside. Colors bring life to an often monotonous everyday life. I found the project to be an exciting “cut” – especially after all the preparations for the festival in the Wildangshof. Open the spray can and off you go. There is no need for a plan or a specific structure. It’s about being able to „be simple“.

Gallery: Wiener SPÖ-Bildung