E5 Tips from Stockholm to others about creating dissemination activties for organisational methodologies - digital workshop

The image you see as illustration to this article is an invitation to Intercult's first ever digital workshop about community theater as a safe place for feminsitic questions. Methodology we disseminated was the community theater of Livet Bitch in Södertälje Stockholm, Sweden

Today we had an opportunity to compare the digital event organised in June 2020 with a series of public events in open spaces of  Vienna event organised by the Viennese partner Spö Wiener Bildung. Peer to peer learning gives new insights in processes of your own organisation and here are our tips to other organisations regarding do's and don'ts while organising public events dissemination organisational  methodologies. 


Preparation is important 

Both actions are about visibility in the community 

Both actions created the safe space - digitally and in public space 

Both actions are great empowerments to both participants and organisers 

Important for young people that we older know the digital tools and use them 



Digital workshop was in June 2020 still an innovative technology, forced to be introduced by Covis. Feministic questions are not easy to work with and demand a safe spec for participants. We asked ourselves a question: how do you create a safe space in the digital virtuality  and still create learning for the audience ?


Work with participation - create a safe feeling , a feeling of inclusion 

Learn the needs of your participants so the space will be really safe , like no boys in a room for girls . 

Design a digital workshop as a safe space .

Important with warning about photos and recording. 

Digital workshop- to create a safe space let participants  work alone in the smaller groups  ( separate zoom rooms)

Create the tone of the work so that everyone is included and listened to 

Plan a long time for communications to gather participants to the workshop 

Changemaking can not happen by imagination, it happens when people face the product

Owning your narrative can be compared to owning your city with community as common denominator 

photo @PärlanWärfeldt