I_Improve (Innovative, Informal Methodologies for Practical, River-Oriented and Versatile Education) is a cooperative European project co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The partnership consists of 6 members from the River//Cities platform: Sweden, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Poland and Lithuania. The common framework is promoting audience engagement through culture, especially in waterfront areas. Its priorities are social inclusion, open and innovative practices in the digital area, and adult education.
The Arts broaden perspectives and encourage mutual understanding. In other words, the Arts have the ability to engage with citizens, both established and newly arrived, through cultural and creative interventions. Therefore, there is a clear demand for new and innovative practices and formats, hence requiring different competences from the staff of cultural organisations.
Cultural organisations need to join forces when facing current social challenges. Being able to share and learn from peers in the same working field throughout Europe can strengthen the professionalism of its staff members. On a European and global level strong teamwork, connecting competences, and sharing responsibilities and workload are factors that contribute to citizen education and intercultural dialogue.
Project's timeline: 01 09.2018 - 31.08.2021 - 36 moths.
"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (BSCC) hosted part two of River//Cities STORY WORK I_Improve dissemination event (E 11).
On 07th of July 2021 River//Cities hosted from Gdansk last transnational I_Improve EU project's online meeting.
The River // Cities Platform Foundation, based in Gdańsk, created an outdoor educational event, (part of I_Improve EU project) with activists and community leaders from the Tri-City (Trójmiasto) area in mind.
It's a new and worthy sequel to “The Forgotten Orchestra” project by the Library of Ostend
Having in mind the exceptional challenge we are all going through in this time, a new “alphabet” of change reminds us the changes we are going through. A consideration appropriate also for our I_Improve project.